Level Design Tools
One of the key tasks was for design to be able to build content quickly and effectively following a set design philosophy which included gameplay vision and metrics. Through a lot of trial and error I was able to come up with a tool that acted as a factory assembly where a designer could very quickly lay out pre configured modules of levels quickly.
Tool UI Prototype
The UI in the tool was meant to allow a designer to track all the pieces they were laying out but also swap through different modes.
The following modes I designed were meant to act as a factory assembly of getting parts of the level built in passes.
Special Objects

Primarily we utilized splines and nodes where a designer can select a particular piece in the UI and highlight it as the one they want to use. After that they can click on any of the circular nodes and the next level piece would instantly spawn perfectly aligned to the set metrics. Through this method a designer can simply point and click and lay out large sections of the level in a short time.

Greybox Result
​You can see the results in the video. This took only a half hour for the base layout as well as obstacles to place down. The tool played a great part in the team being able to build 500 levels to be playable by launch.